Today’s building envelope needs to keep the outside out and inside in. Prototeck Engineering Associates Inc. has the expertise to complete thorough and detailed assessments on existing building envelope
components then develop solutions for a thoughtful, cost-effective rehabilitation program. We can assist condominium corporations with their engineering requirements as well.

Building Sciences
Existing Buildings
Detailed investigations of building envelope systems and components including;
exterior wall systems/cladding,
sealant, and
roof systems.
Condition assessment of building(s) including site, structural systems and components, mechanical and electrical systems, building envelope, roof and interior finishes.
Intrusive inspection of all types of wall systems and roofing systems.
Performance testing of various wall systems, windows, and roofs.
Preparation of specifications and tender documents for rehabilitation of walls, windows, exterior sealant and roofing system.
Consulting services for registered condominium corporations including reserve fund studies, condition assessments, and preparation of specifications and tender documents for rehabilitation of various corporation systems and components.
New Construction
Support / consulting to the project design consultant for selection and detailing of building envelope systems.
Design services for building envelope components.
Tender review and comment
Field inspection services provided during the construction phase. Services can be either full-time or ‘as-required’ depending on the nature of the project.
Assistance with project coordination and administration including;
Shop drawing review and approval
Payment certification/verifications
Site instructions, and change orders